Exorcisms Part 3 -
Prolonged Exorcisms.... What does the Church say?
newspapers and Internet accused the exorcisms performed by the Sons of the Most
Holy Redeemer as being "prolonged".
accusation of "prolonged" exorcism means that the priests performing
the exorcisms were abusive and in the wrong from the get-go. They were
"prolonged" therefore they were certainly abusive.
does the Rite of Exorcism itself say about the length of exorcisms?
Standard 17.
17 has the answer:
He will pay attention as to what words in particular cause the evil spirits to
tremble, repeating them the more frequently. And when he comes to a threatening
expression, he recurs to it again and again, always increasing the punishments.
If he perceives that he is making progress, let him persist for two, three,
four hours, and longer if he can until victory is attained."
sessions that our priests conducted were usually as follows:
Preparation: First Holy Mass was offered for the person receiving
the Rite of Exorcism.
Rubric 1 of the Rite says in red:
The priest delegated by the Ordinary to perform the
office shall have gone to confession, or at least elicited an act of
contrition, and offered the holy sacrifice of the Mass, if it
was convenient to do so; he ought, moreover, to have implored God's help in
devout prayer. Vested in surplice and purple stole, and having before him the
person possessed (in fetters if there is any danger) he traces the sign of the
Cross over him, over himself, and the bystanders, then sprinkles them with holy
water. Kneeling down he prays the Litany of the Saints exclusive of the prayers
that follow it, with the others making the responses. Thereupon he says:
Antiphon. Ne reminiscaris...
1 Then the priest reads the Rite
as prescribed 60 - 90 minutes.
Refreshment Break 30 minutes. (Priest and assistants have been
fasting from the night before).
Session 2 Ususlly shorter than 60 minutes.
Rite of Exorcism as laid down by the Roman Ritual is the law and the standard
by which all judgments should be made.
By the Rite of Exorcism a 90 minute session could in no way be considered to be
"prolonged" since it does not hit the two hour base line.
Rite itself encourages a session to be 3 or 4 hours long, and even longer. (cf
Standard 17 above)
traditional Rite of Exorcism sets the standards.
asking for the traditional Rite must expect it to be
to the standards and the rubrics.
priests worked within the time line structures of the rite.
The statements made about "prolonged" exorcisms indicates ignorance of the Rite.
at December 23, 2024 No comment
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