Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Semper Excelsior writes again - "Who really is the Catholic Priest ?"


WWednesday 15 January 2025

Semper Excelsior writes again - "Who really is the Catholic Priest?"

 This true story took place in Paris many years ago, when the world was more carefree than it is today. 

An actor, who was playing the part of a Catholic priest, was in such a hurry to leave the theater one day after his performance, that he did so while still wearing his costume, which was the traditional full length black cassock. As he hurried along the street, there appeared a small child before him. With joy, the child took the actor's hand and kissed it! "Good morning, Father," he called over his shoulder as he ran happily away.

Reverence and Familiarity

The actor was astonished! That innocent action of the child made such a deep impression on him. As he continued walking he thought, who on earth is a Catholic priest that he would attract such reverence and familiarity? The question did not leave his mind. He began his research and study into Catholicism, and happily, this led him to becoming a Catholic!

Where is this reverence for priests now? Reverence that leads to such conversions? Respect that sets them apart from the rest of humanity?

We mustn't be fooled by the fact they look like the rest of us. The Catholic priest harbors Divinity within him!  He is called Another Christ - Alter Christus. You and I are not an Alter Christus, but the priest is. He is different.

 He is like the Tabernacle with the hidden Christ inside - silent, secret but there. In the confessional the priest as an Alter Christus brings us the tender mercy of God. 

Priest - Alter Christus - Another Christ


At the altar the priest, an Alter Christus, breathes out upon the Host, speaking in the very person of Christ,"This is my Body" so that we too, may briefly possess the Divine within us.  What a mystery! What a grace!  

As Jesus can no longer walk among us, He has hidden Himself inside the priest so He can draw out of us our childlike love and reverence for Him.

As Jesus carried the Cross, the priest carries the whole world on his shoulders with his prayers.

As Jesus was tossed about on a boat, the priest is tossed about in this world, exiled, unwanted.

And thus he knows he is truly following in the footsteps of that Divinity within him, when as Alter Christus he sleeps through the storm, because he knows, all is God's will.



"If the world hate you, know ye that it hath hated me before you." (Jn 15:18),

Part 2 - Importance of the Priestly Office

- by St Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church


St Alphonsus Maria, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

The dignity of the priest is estimated from the exalted nature of his offices.

Priests are chosen by God to manage on earth all his concerns and interests. "Divine," says St. Cyril of Alexandria, "are the offices confided to priests." 

St. Ambrose has called the priestly office a Divine profession. A priest is a minister destined by God to be a public ambassador of the whole Church, to honor Him, and to obtain His graces for all the faithful. The entire Church cannot give to God as much honor, nor obtain so many graces, as a single priest by celebrating a single Mass; for the greatest honor that the whole Church without priests could give to God would consist in offering to Him in sacrifice the lives of all men. But of what value are the lives of all men compared with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which is a sacrifice of infinite value? What are all men before God but a little dust? As a drop of a bucket, as a little dust. They are but a mere nothing in His sight: All nations are before Him as if they had no being at all. 

Thus, by the celebration of a single Mass, in which he offers Jesus Christ in sacrifice, a priest gives greater honor to the Lord, than if all men by dying for God offered to Him the sacrifice of their lives. By a single Mass, he gives greater honor to God than all the Angels and Saints, along with the Blessed Virgin Mary, have given or shall give to Him; for their worship cannot be of infinite value, like that which the priest celebrating on the altar offers to God. 

-The Priest -
Ambassador of the Whole World to intercede with God 

Moreover, in the holy Mass, the priest offers to God an adequate thanksgiving for all the graces bestowed even on the Blessed in Paradise; but such a thanksgiving all the Saints together are incapable of offering to Him. Hence it is, that on this account also the priestly dignity is superior even to all celestial dignities.

St John Chrysostom,
Bishop, Doctor of the Church


Besides, the priest, says St. John Chrysostom, is an ambassador of the whole world, to intercede with God and to obtain graces for all creatures. The priest, according to St. Ephrem, "treats familiarly with God." To priests every door is open. 

Jesus has died to institute the priesthood. It was not necessary for the Redeemer to die in order to save the world; a drop of His Blood, a single tear, or prayer, was sufficient to procure salvation for all; for such a prayer, being of infinite value, should be sufficient to save not one but a thousand worlds. But to institute the priesthood, the death of Jesus Christ has been necessary. Had he not died, where should we find the victim that the priests of the New Law now offer? a victim altogether holy and immaculate, capable of giving to God an honor worthy of God. As has been already said, all the lives of men and Angels are not capable of giving to God an infinite honor like that which a priest offers to Him by a single Mass.


All the lives of men and Angels are not able to offer the infinite honour
that a priest offers to God by a 
Single Holy Mass
at the
Mother of Perpetual Succour Oratory, Christchurch, N.Z.


at January 15, 2025



Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Who really is the Catholic Priest? - Submitted by Semper Excelsior - a member of the laity


Who really is the Catholic Priest? - Submitted by Semper Excelsior - a member of the laity

Friday, 10 January 2025

Exorcisms - Part 4. Sorry..It doesn't add up..


Monday, 23 December 2024

Exorcisms Part 4. Sorry. .. It doesn't add up....

 The publicity on television and in the newspapers was all about "Illegal Exorcisms".

It was said that an "expert" was coming from Rome to hold an investigation into the "Illegal Exorcisms". The fact is that we may never know why the Apostolic Visitation was called. It may be disappointing for the people who thought it was indeed about the "Illegal Exorcisms", but the facts do not seem to add up to that being the reason at all. It could have been a 'smoke screen' for something else. It could be that the people complaining were a convenient occasion.

For the world it looked to be about "Illegal Exorcisms". But "Illegal Exorcisms" are not difficult to decide. Legal or illegal Exorcisms are a simple matter of arithmetic. You simply count the Faculty Letters issued by the local ordinaries and match them with the people who received the Rite of Exorcism. That does not take two months of Apostolic Visitation to sift.

The fact is that the Apostolic Visitator never asked any member of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer any questions about Exorcism. 

The Apostolic Visitator never asked to see any paperwork at all, about anything at all. He wasn't interested either in asking questions or receiving answers.

Concerning Exorcisms this is all that came back from Rome:

The Bishop of Christchurch has put a stop to all unauthorized exorcisms. Some exorcisms performed by FSSR priests in the past may have been approved but other seem not to have been."


1. The first sentence makes no sense at all: How can authority put a stop to what is unauthorised? If it is unauthorized, it means that authority was ignored in the first place. So if authority is ignored, how could authority put a stop to what was, and would always be, excluded from? 

2 The second sentence concludes nothing at all. It is not arithmetic. "some... may have... other seem not." This was a question of straight arithmetic. The answer was easy to find. Certainty was possible.

We had headlines! We had TV exorcism graphs on the map! Experts. Unfortunately it produced nearly two lines and thoroughly concluded nothing when a conclusion was certainly possible. Whatever it was all about, it certainly wasn't sincerely looking into Exorcisms and finding the truth about them. Nor was it about anything we were questioned about.

Believing the experience of the Apostolic Visitation was a sincere event in our lives is proving to be a challenge. 



at December 23, 2024 No comments: 



Exorcism Part 3 - Prolonged Exorcisms...What does the Church say?


Exorcisms Part 3 - Prolonged Exorcisms.... What does the Church say?

 The newspapers and Internet accused the exorcisms performed by the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer as being "prolonged". 

The accusation of "prolonged" exorcism means that the priests performing the exorcisms were abusive and in the wrong from the get-go. They were "prolonged" therefore they were certainly abusive.

What does the Rite of Exorcism itself say about the length of exorcisms?

Standard 17.

Standard 17 has the answer:

"17. He will pay attention as to what words in particular cause the evil spirits to tremble, repeating them the more frequently. And when he comes to a threatening expression, he recurs to it again and again, always increasing the punishments. If he perceives that he is making progress, let him persist for two, three, four hours, and longer if he can until victory is attained."

The sessions that our priests conducted were usually as follows:
Preparation: First Holy Mass was offered for the person receiving the Rite of Exorcism.
Rubric 1 of the Rite says in red:
The priest delegated by the Ordinary to perform the office shall have gone to confession, or at least elicited an act of contrition, and offered the holy sacrifice of the Mass, if it was convenient to do so; he ought, moreover, to have implored God's help in devout prayer. Vested in surplice and purple stole, and having before him the person possessed (in fetters if there is any danger) he traces the sign of the Cross over him, over himself, and the bystanders, then sprinkles them with holy water. Kneeling down he prays the Litany of the Saints exclusive of the prayers that follow it, with the others making the responses. Thereupon he says:
 Ne reminiscaris...

Session 1 Then the priest reads the Rite as prescribed 60 - 90 minutes.
Refreshment Break 30 minutes. (Priest and assistants have been fasting from the night before).
Session 2 Ususlly shorter than 60 minutes.

The Rite of Exorcism as laid down by the Roman Ritual is the law and the standard by which all judgments should be made.
By the Rite of Exorcism a 90 minute session could in no way be considered to be "prolonged" since it does not hit the two hour base line.

The Rite itself encourages a session to be 3 or 4 hours long, and even longer. (cf Standard 17 above)


The traditional Rite of Exorcism sets the standards.

Anyone asking for the traditional Rite must expect it to be 

according to the standards and the rubrics.

The priests worked within the time line structures of the rite.

The statements made about "prolonged" exorcisms indicates ignorance of the Rite. 

at December 23, 2024 No comment

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Exorcisms Part 2 - The Roman Ritual (continued) - report from Christchurch, New Zealand.

Please see previous recent posts from Christchurch, New Zealand, for full story of Bishop's harsh treatment of the 'Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer'  You may wish to express your feelings to the RC Bishop of Christchurch.     Editor 

Exorcisms Part 2 - The Roman Ritual

Coat of Arms of Pope Paul V 

The Rite of Exorcism is found in the Roman Ritual promulgated as law by Pope Paul V in 1614.

Understanding the Roman Ritual is therefore important in evaluating the Exorcisms that the local ordinary asked the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer to perform when he issued faculties for the Rite.

Through the centuries there were many different Rites. With the advent of printing it was decided by the Council of Trent to review and publish them in one book for the Latin Church. It was not immediate. It was only in 1614 that Pope Paul V brought into being, the book we know as the Roman Ritual, or in Latin the Rituale Romanum.

Pope Paul V  (1550 - 1621)

The Roman Ritual contains the sacred and authentic rites of the Church that are to be observed in the administration of the sacraments and other ecclesiastical functions so that they should be carried out according to a public and fixed standard by following the rubrics.

What are Rubrics?
The rubrics are the directions that govern the rites. It is important to note that rubrics are laws, they are not creative suggestions. They have full legal force. Rubrics bind as law in the same way that Canon Law binds. They emanate from the Pope and impose upon the priest an obligation to obey them. With the Rubrics the Pope also set out the 21 Normae, the standards to be observed


The Rite of Exorcism is Titulus XII in the Rituale Romanum made law by Pope Paul V in 1614.

1952 edition of the Rituale Romanum

The Rite of Exorcism underwent no change in the 1952 edition photographed on this post.

All questions concerning the Rite of Exorcism should reference the rubrics and standards of the Rite as set out by the Church through Pope Paul V in 1614. 

Any questions about the Rite of Exorcism 

should be answered by:
What does the Rite direct?

Did the priest follow the directions?

Was he obedient to the Pope's Rubrics and Standards?


at  December 23, 2024 No comments: