Sunday, 29 December 2024


Thursday, 19 December 2024   

  EXORCISM PART 1 - The Authority to Perform the Rite of Exorcism

The Rite of Exorcism

The Rite of Exorcism is governed by Canon 1172 and the rubrics of the Rite.

peculiarem et expressam licentiam) special and express 


Can. 1172 1. No one can perform exorcisms legitimately upon the possessed unless he has obtained (permission from the local ordinary.

2. The local ordinary is to give this permission only to a presbyter who has piety, knowledge, prudence and integrity of life.


The pivotal actor in an Exorcism is the local ordinary, the bishop (or the Apostolic Administrator when  diocese is without a bishop). Both sections of canon 1172 expect that the local ordinary do all that is required to assure that his permission is not routine but special and express.

The special and express permission for the Rite of Exorcism belongs to the local ordinary alone. We have a letter in which the special and express permission was conditional for a particular person. It is understood from the Canon that the local ordinary performs his own due diligence in respect to the Rite. Some dioceses ask that the person first consult a doctor or psychologist to make sure that possession by an evil spirit is a distinct probability.

According to Canon Law the local ordinary chooses the priest who is to be the exorcist. 


The exorcist chosen by the local ordinary then performs the Rite of Exorcism according to the rubrics that are laid down in the Rite.

There have been four Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer named in faculties to perform the Rite of Exorcism by the local ordinary of Christchurch: Fathers Michael Mary, Anthony Mary, Yousef Marie and Magdala Maria.

In respect of Canon Law all the priests of the Congregation of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer, who have performed the Rite of Exorcism have done so because they were delegated to do so by the local ordinary of the diocese of Christchurch. The delegation was in writing. The  faculty specifically named the exorcists and the same document conjointly named the particular person who was to receive the Rite of Exorcism.


We affirm the truth, that the Rite of Exorcism, which opposes and casts out the Father of Lies, has never been performed by a priest of Congregation of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer within the diocese of Christchurch without the written letter of delegation issued by the local ordinary of the diocese of Christchurch. 


From the above, it may be concluded with certainty that the Rite of Exorcism was never performed on a child, as has been spread by gossipers, those who talk eagerly and casually about us. That we performed the Rite of Exorcism on a child has also been asserted by those who have chosen to malign us.

All cases for the Rite of Exorcism that were confided to us by the Local Ordinary were well over 21 years of age.

(Part II will respond concerning the Rubrics of the Rite of Exorcism) 


at December 19, 2024 No comments: 




Saturday, 28 December 2024


Thursday, 12 December 2024

A Letter from One of the Twelve Novices

 Praised be Jesus, Mary, Joseph and St Alphonsus!

Dear Readers, 

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. I am writing to share my experience regarding the ongoing challenges faced by our Community the Congregation of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer, as well as the distressing narrative that has emerged in the media and from cetain ecclesiastical authorities. As a new novivce, I feel compelled to express my experience and the profound impact these accusations have had on our community.

Having joined the Congregation as a Postulant in 2023 under the guidance of the Very Rev Father Michael Mary FSSR, I have witnessed firsthand the unwavering support and love he extends to all of us. Father Michael is not just a leader; he is a father figure who genuinely cares for our spiritual and temporal well-being. Contrary to the accusations leveled against him, I can attest that my experience here has been one of nurturing guidance, devoid of any form of abuse and dominance as claimed.

The recent Pastrol Letter from Bishop Gielen (Bishop of Christchurch) has caused significant distress not only to me but to many others. It was one of the worst days of my life. The incessant calls from family and friends, expressing concern and urging me to leave the Sons, were overwhelming. They were influenced by the mispresentation of our priests and superiors as bullies, a claim that I firmly refute. My Superiors do not embody that characterization; rather, they represent kindness, understanding, and a commitment to the care of souls.

It pains me deeply to see the damage that has ensued from their decisions, which appear to be made without thorough investigation or understanding. Has Bishop Gielen ever considered the damage he has done, the people he has scandalised and the sheep who have scattered because of his act of injustice. Our Lord teaches us in the Gospel of St Matthew, “Blessed are those who suffer persecution for justice sake,” and I find comfort in this truth. We are the ones who suffer unjustly, caught in the web of falsehood spun from these unverified accusations. It is my hope that those spreading these rumors, lies and gossip and the Bishop himself will reflect on their actions and recognize the harm done to innocent reputations and souls.

In a world that often judges without understanding, I urge Bishop Gielen to seek the grace of prudence and dicernment. The integrity of leaders is paramount in guiding a community, and I witness that grace abundantly in my superiors. They exemplify the true spirit of our mission and embody the true values we cherish as SONS OF THE MOST HOLY REDEEMER.

As I navigate this turbulent time, it is my intention to offer my prayers at Mass and Holy Communion for all those who are involved, including Bishop Gielen and the PRESS. May they recognise the truth and find clarity and justice in their hearts.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I hope that sharing my experience sheds light on the genuine spirit of our Congrgations and its superiors. Your prayers and support will be very much appreciated, and we remain committed to serve Our Lord Crucified and our community with love and integrity.

May God Bless you all.

Yours in Christ,

Novice, of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer.

(This Novice is aged 19 years- The Editor)

at December 12, 2024 No comments: 


Friday, 27 December 2024


Tuesday, 17 December 2024


 ‘OUTRAGEOUS’  by   “Mantilla the Younger”!! And if all

OOUTRAGEOISthosinnocenpeopl are hurt along the way   

--I awoke in a pool of sweat, e bosl in my hands. "Screw 

I fell asleep last night, book in hand, and had a dream. It was the enemy of God and was talking to his apprentice.

My dear Wormwood...

"My dear Wormwood, we must congratulate ourselves on the marvellous job we have done in keeping alive the anger in the hearts of the enemies of that Oratory. Their ideas and influence have now spread so far and wide that the ends we have been so patiently seeking are all but certain. More have joined them now and we must encircle that vile church like wolves, so that all of us together can obliterate it!

"It has been excruciating for us to watch the carnage that has been occurring over these last few years in that place. It is simply not in line with what we are trying to achieve in the world today and it must stop! Especially troubling are all those young men, one after the other, growing to love our Enemy and His (shudder) Mother so much that they would be willing to give their lives to Them. How many vocations have there been emerging from that place these last few years, Wormwood? What?! Seven you say? Outrageous - simply unacceptable.


October 2024, St Mary Magdalan's cave, La Sainte Baume

"Do you know what many of them will do to us if we do not put a stop to this?"

"Do you know what many of them will do to us one day if we do not put a stop to this? They will become priests! ... that will go out into the world with fire and zeal in their hearts and preach against us. They will stop us from doing our work, Wormwood, they will stop us dragging souls to hell to share in our agony for all eternity, they will lead souls to our Enemy and to an eternity of joy and happiness instead - and I simply cannot allow this.

"We are now at the climax of what we have worked so hard for, so close to achieving our goal!! We have influenced so many to distrust them and done a marvellous job spreading lies, detractions and calumnies against them! We have painted them black as night. Just a little longer, Wormwood. You must double up your efforts now so that we can destroy it once and for all. Get everybody on the job. Home in on any possible lie or twisted fact or fiction and magnify it - make it HUGE! Make up more dirt, whatever it is doesn't matter - we are desperate now - I can taste it, our success is so close!

"With that Oratory out of the way, we can practically have a holiday! Ugh, that disgusting preaching every Sunday... those brothers and Sisters sending so many prayers to our Enemy... those parishioners trying so hard to live holy lives... those horribly sweet little children growing up with the (ugh) Truth... the hideous modesty in the way they dress... that ceaselessly growing congregation with all that offensive forgiveness in their hearts towards their enemies...  Outrageous!!!

 Their reverence for that Sacrament.



 O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine   -    Oratory men on Papa Stronsay.                     


                                  .....    powerless to distract them . 

Their  reverence for that Sacrament  nauseates me, Wormwood! We are virtually powerless to distract them in their Masses because of that unbearable devotion of theirs. Not even one opportunity are we provided to abuse our Enemy in that church - oh how it scourges me, how it tortures me!!! And how I hate that LATIN!!  How can we ever hope to bring our diabolical changes to the Mass if it's in that dead language and in the hands of THOSE priests who are so determined to preserve its authenticity" Go now Wormwood... get all our friends onto it with the greatest urgency.... quickly now, before people become bored with all the repetition and realise our tactic of falsehood and illusion ...keep the momentum.  DO NOT STOP until that Oratory is destroyed!!!  And if all those innocent people are hurt along the way, then all the better!! Go Wormwood ... GO!!!"

...I awoke in a pool of sweat, the book still in my hands,  "Screwtape Letters."  Oh dear, I must stop doing my spiritual reading so close to bedtime.  So grateful it was just a nightmare.  I don't think I could bear it, if it were actually true!









Thursday, 26 December 2024

Do we even have a right to be in the Diocese of Christchurch?

 Q.  Do we e

2014 Letter of Petition to Enter the Christchurch Diocese

Q.  Do we even have a right to be in the diocese of Christchurch?

This is a very basic question.

History records that we first intruded into the Christchurch diocese in 2007. That is, we came without any invitation or authorization from the Bishop. In fact, the first Mass that we celebrated was at the Christchurch 'Rose Chapel' on Sunday the 8th July 2007.  That was the day following the Motu proprio of Pope Benedict XVI calling for communities such as ours to seek or renew full communion with the Church. It assured us that we could celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass as well as belong to the Church.

The only reason that we were considered to be "outside the Church" was that we held fast to the offering of the holy Latin Mass.

Over the months that followed that great motu proprio of the Pope, we sought to have our situation in the Church validated.

On 18 June 2008 we accomplished "reconciliation" with the Church through Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos but the actual journey was only beginning. 

From 2008 - 2013 we faced five years of constant opposition from within the Church hierarchy. We were Catholics in good standing but there were many difficulties to face. Someone wanted our monastery in Scotland to be broken up and for us all to be sent away; Faculties for Confession were extremely restricted and only the direct intervention of Pope Benedict XVI managed to gain us faculties to include the less that twelve Faithful living on the neighbouring island of Stronsay.

During this time we were in the Church but were like Catholics in Limbo: In the Church but in a painful no-man's-land. On 7 April 2010 I wrote to the Bishop of Christchurch offering to close down our Oratory in Rutland Street. Bishop Barry did not accept. He encouraged us to patience. He was a Good Shepherd, he never sought to crush us; the Oratory remained open; Christchurch diocese remained as a kindly refuge thanks to Bishop Barry, may is Name be held in our hearts!

2012 Letter from Bishop Barry even before we were erected as a Religious Order

Opposition to our establishment as a Religious Order still dragged on. There were many visits to Rome. Eventually, William Cardinal Levada, Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith (the CDF), stepped in to stop the underhand political games set on sinking us. He personally, and very kindly oversaw the completion of our Constitutions, and thus opening the way for us to become a Religious Order in the Church which happened on 15 August 2013. 

Whatever the future may hold by way of persecution and opposition, or even of fatal sinking, it remains that the Congregation of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer is the first Religious Order in the Church to be founded by New Zealanders. What a grace! This grace from God, which we are not worthy to receive, makes us ready to bear opposition of any kind, for it has been a difficult road and we are only weak men. Like St Paul we hope that we do not crack or break, for we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency may be of the power of God, and not of us. (2 Cor 4:7)

(Bear in mind that if we were to be successfully expelled from the diocese it would unjustly exclude 20 New Zealanders from living in New Zealand, from their whānau, families and culture.)

Below are the letters by which the Congregation of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer received canonical approval to live in the Diocese of Christchurch permanently. All Religious Orders canonically estabished in a diocese, like the diocese itself, are permanent structures. They are more permanent than  the priests and monks who come and go and pass into eternity; more permanent too than the temporary bishops who also come and go and pass into eternity; as does all mortal flesh of whatever rank.

A. The answer to our first question is that we do have a right to live permanently in the diocese of Christchurch by reason of our canonical establishment in the diocese on 15 April 2014.

28 April 2015 Bishop Barry Jones assists at Solemn High Mass.

28 April 2015 Bishop Barry Jones preaching.

28 April 2015 Bishop Barry Jones blesses the Oratory of our Mother of Perpetual Succour.

Blessing the external walls.

Quoniam elegit Dominus Sion
For the Lord hath chosen Sion: he hath chosen it for his dwelling.
Haec requies mea in saeculum saeculi; 
This is my rest for ever and ever: 
here will I dwell, for I have chosen it.  
Blessing, I will bless her widow: 
I will satisfy her poor with bread. 
I will clothe her priests with salvation: 
and her saints shall rejoice with exceeding great joy. 
(Ps 131)

November 13, 2024     No comments

Tuesday, 24 December 2024



What are the accusations against us? by Fr Martin Mary

The punishment we face is severe: removal of faculties for all our priests and expulsion from the Diocese of Christchurch, effectively forcing us out of New Zealand, destroying our good name, and publicly humiliating our members. This degree of punishment is generally reserved for the gravest offenders.

So, what accusations justify such measures? I don’t mean the claims made in the media, but the actual accusations investigated by the Vatican Apostolic Visitation, which led to these extreme penalties.

From the pulpits of the diocese, it was announced that these punishments followed the Vatican investigation of our community. Since Bishop Gielen arranged this investigation after the TV programmes, the implication is that the allegations contained in them were found to be true.

When asked for details by the media, “A spokesperson for the bishop refused to say what exactly the investigation found, but said ‘the actions speak for themselves’”, implying that the punishment itself was the justification.

The truth is, the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer have not been accused of any crime—neither by civil authorities, the Diocese of Christchurch, nor the Vatican, even after its investigation. The “recommendations” from the Vatican lack the citation of a single canonical crime committed.  The diocese of Christchurch “refused to say what exactly the investigation found,” because it didn’t find anything!

Bishop Gielen’s stated reason to us (different from what was suggested from the pulpits) was his desire to assign the Latin Mass Chaplaincy to another group, making our services no longer needed.

One of the harshest punishments possible, merely to change staff—without a single criminal accusation?


at November 13, 2024 



Monday, 23 December 2024

'Introduction - Necessary to be Read'.


Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Introduction - Necessary to be Read

Note to readers: This article was the first in a series of posts dealing with the very serious matter of the actions taken by the current Bishop of Christchurch, New Zealand, banning the 'Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer' from the Christchurch diocese where they are based. I apologise for the fact that this and other related articles recently appearing on this site, are not chronological, but they collectively cover a relatively short period of time, and most are dated. All the articles are reproduced from Fr.Michael Mary's own blog-site. 

Dear Family members of the Sons,
Dear Friends of the Sons,

On 11 July 2024 I was convoked to the office of the Bishop of Christchurch.

The meeting was brief. Without any previous warning, I was given 15 documents that attempted to invoke Canon Law in relation to our community. The documents were unclear to the extreme. There is some confusion around to intentions. However it seems as though this was trying to imply that our community should leave the Christchurch diocese within 90 days. The documents were an attempt to withdraw the priests' authority to hear Confessions within the area of the diocese. A final document (different from the one below) attempted to suppress the private community of the Daughters of the Most Holy Redeemer and it ordered them to leave the diocese within 90 days.


The General Expulsion Document. No. 4/16.

This is the first time in the history of the Church in New Zealand that any religious order has been placed under expulsion decrees and precepts. These drastic measures are most unjust severe penalties. 

The Decrees and Precepts left each and all of us reeling. The Mainstream Media carried the news to New Zealand, and the Internet carried it beyond.

This blog registers our personal reflections on our experience that has culminated in, and pivoted from the decrees of the 10th July 2024.

It needs to be said that the decision to publicly defend ourselves has been slow. The reason being that we do not wish to cause ourselves further persecution. But finally we have decided that we cannot permit our reputation to be further sullied. We should not remain silent so that people, waiting to know how we feel, think that we must be guilty of some henious crimes. We also have close friends and family, and Faithful who come to Mass here, all of whom have been embarrassed and shamed. Therefore, we are bound to speak out and explain to all our friends and families just what we have been going through in this ordeal that is actually a mental persecution that has involved ostracization, shaming, calumny, bullying, threatening and even stalking.  

This is not a place for 'dialogue', there will be no 'Comments' section. 

This blog will have posts written by different people who want to tell you, our families and friends, just how it has been for them, or what we think important to note in the attempted expulsion of our community.

Peacefully, prayerfully and as well as we can, this is our offering for those who cannot understand why we are still here, still living in the Christchurch diocese; why we have appealed the Decrees and Precepts to Rome; and why we have not "shaken off the dust from our feet" and gone away. Yet, here we are! Hoping that the active Catholics in the diocese would decide to live together so that the Peace of Christ would Rejoice in our hearts.

Father Michael Mary, F.SS.R.
Rector Major and Superior General

13th November, 2024
Holy Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces and Rosa Mystica pray for us.


 November 12, 2024  

Sunday, 22 December 2024

'Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer' - Christchurch, New Zealand. - "Why are we still here.?'

Why are we still here?

We are still here because we want to stay here as long as we can. We are peacefully resisting eviction from our monastery. Our monastery is our home and it connects us with the families and people who have need of the Traditional Latin Mass. We are here especially for them. It is a good thing that we own our monastery and oratory; it is a help to remaining here. And we will try our best not to be evicted because we are committed to being here for the good of souls.

Expulsion of the Carthusians by the government in 1903

Eviction is a pretty horrible experience for anybody. In our time it does not happen very often that priests and monks are evicted from their homes. It happened in April 1903 when the French Government closed monasteries. Today the religious authorities want our eviction.

Eviction - Invasion - 'Booting Out' the Jesuits in 1880

As candidates for eviction we soon learn that we were to be avoided by decent people, and that we had been separated by authority. We felt that we were now to be viewed as bad Catholics and held in contempt. Those who plotted our eviction would now be satisfied and could say: "Good riddance!" "Can't wait for them to go!" "Get out of town." "We don't want to know you."

 Our ostracization was public: "Bishop Michael would like to remind the faithful that any public Masses those priests celebrate are illicit – that is, outside the rules of the Church." 

Now we were no longer counted as brethren and respected clergy. We were separated off as "... those priests...". We are separated-out to be ostracized, not by the NZ Government, but by the leading religious men who, for others, would protest that all men should be held as innocent until proven guilty of some crime.

But priests and monks who worship God in the Latin Mass are separated into a different class of people. We exist only in the lower of a two tier system. Before the Holy See has decided matters our presence has been taken from the Christchurch diocese website; our names have been deleted from the official list of clergy and wiped from the list of priests present as recorded in the New Zealand Clergy Directory.  

May ostracization and public separation cease. May sincere respect find its rightful place so that the Peace of Christ may rejoice in our hearts, in His kingdom of truth and justice. 


at November 20, 2024 



Saturday, 21 December 2024

Christchurch, New Zealand. - 'No Crime. , Only Punishment'.


No Crime - Only Punishment.

 Corpus delicti  (Latin for "body of the crime"), in Western law, is the principle that a crime must be proved to have occurred before a person can be convicted of committing that crime. For example, a person cannot be tried for theft unless it can be proven that property has been stolen. 

We have not been accused of breaking any law. But the local experts in canon law sentence priests and monks who have not broken the law. 

Canon 1321§1 was violated. It states: "No one can be punished for an external violation of a law or precept unless it is gravely imputable by reason of malice or culpability".
Before a punishment a warning is required by Canon 1339§3"The fact that there has been a warning or correction must always be proven...". There were no canonical warnings, just sudden sentences.

General Precept requiring our departure for no crime committed. 

Since there was no corpus delicti, no external violation of the law there should be no punishment. Of course there was no warning because there were no violations to be given warning about. 

Therefore let us respectfully agree that to suddenly punish a whole group of priests and monks with suspension of priestly faculties and to exile them from their homeland is wrong. It might even be an abuse of power. Catholic Faith and Discipline does not punish people who have been deemed "surplus to requirements", or because they are faithful to the old Mass.

Wilderness of Mt St Joseph's Kakahu..

No monk or priest is surplus to requirements.

There should be no forced exile from whanau and New Zealand.

at November 21, 2024 No comments: