Just a short post to ask for your support
for a petition on
for a petition on
'change.org', criticising the government's totally ineffective policing of the Abortion Act 1967.
Thank you, and please pass on to family and friends.
The cry of the Unborn
Hear me O God. Hear.
From the depths of my
condemned cell I cry.
None will hear me but You because You see,
I have no vote.
None will hear me but You because You see,
I have no vote.
I did not murder nor did I steal or wound.
Yet I am held here helpless before the sterile steel.
Or the poisoned needle.
A death too brutal for murderers is a death
reserved for me.
Yet I am held here helpless before the sterile steel.
Or the poisoned needle.
A death too brutal for murderers is a death
reserved for me.
No comforting breast nor
loving Mother's arms await me.
My body will be given to be burned.
What have I done? I have not earned
this sordid unlamented end.
My body will be given to be burned.
What have I done? I have not earned
this sordid unlamented end.
In sin was I
conceived. Unwanted I die
before I shall be born.
O when the metal enters my brain,
when I shall kick my last convulsive agony,
take me, take me to Your arms.
before I shall be born.
O when the metal enters my brain,
when I shall kick my last convulsive agony,
take me, take me to Your arms.
None will console me, none cherish me.
None hear my last suffocated
shriek from the traitorous womb.
Save You, save only You.
O love me God.
None hear my last suffocated
shriek from the traitorous womb.
Save You, save only You.
O love me God.
John Francis Collins R.I.P.
Grateful acknowledgement to Richard Collins - 'LINEN ON THE HEDGEROW'