Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Freemasonry - the sinister reality

'Freemasonry' is one of those subjects about which many people know little or nothing.
Popular conception sees it as a business/social organisation for men, existing for the mutual support of its members and as charitable benefactors to society.

I have just watched a long, but fascinating and informative video on Freemasonry, presented by Michael Voris, which reveals the sinister reality behind this  myth, showing the rejection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, by Freemasonry, with the stated aim of destroying the Catholic Church - primarily by infiltration, and replacing it with a one-world religion.

Video can be seen here.  Strongly recommended.


'The flesh desires what the spirit dislikes; and the spirit pants for what the flesh abhors.The false love of the flesh destroys the true charity we owe to ourselves; inordinate compassion towards the body is full of cruelty because by indulging the flesh it kills the soul'
'Thoughts from St Alphonsus'

'Holy Mary, Mother of God and mother of mercy, pray for the Holy Father and all the Church, especially the faithful departed.'