A very good and elderly priest friend of mine, recently re-introduced me to the Psalms. I must confess that I have only ever read a few brief extracts over the years, and acting on the principle of 'better late than never', I am resolved to remedy this rather sad state of affairs by regular readings. I have started this and already am beginning to appreciate the simple beauty and wisdom contained in these sacred truths. In a world in which Almighty God is largely ignored, His laws and Commandments ridiculed, and His Church persecuted and vilified, the Psalms offer spiritual strength, consolation and encouragement, to those seeking to follow Christ. Psalm 33 - 'The fear of God and its rewards', is as appropriate to these times as it was when it was written:-
2. I will bless the Lord at all times:
His praise shall be ever in my mouth.
3. My soul shall make her boast of the Lord:
Let the needy hear and be glad.
4. O magnify the Lord with me,
And let us exalt his name together.
5. I sought the Lord, and he answered me,
And he delivered me from all my terrors.
6. O look unto him and be radiant,
And let not your faces be ashamed.
7. This needy one called, and he heard,
And saved him out of all his distresses.
8. The Lord’s angel encampeth
Round about those who fear him, and
delivereth them.
9. O taste and see that he is good:
Blessed the man that taketh refuge in him.
10. Fear the Lord, O ye his holy ones:
For naught is lacking to those who fear
11. The faithless suffer want and hunger:
But those who seek him lack no good.
12. Come, ye children, hearken to me:
I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
13. Who is the man that delighteth in life,
That loveth days, that he may see good?
14. Then guard thy tongue from evil,
And thy lips from speaking deceit.
15. Shun evil and do good:
Seek peace, and pursue it.
16. The Lord’s face is set against evil-doers,
To cut off the remembrance of them from
the earth.
17. The Lord’s eyes are upon the just,
And his ears are open to their cry.
18. When they call, the Lord heareth,
And delivereth them from all their
19. The Lord is nigh to the broken of heart,
And saveth the crushed in spirit.
20. Many are the misfortunes of the just,
But from all of them the Lord delivereth
21. The lord keepeth all his bones:
Not one of them is broken.
22. Misfortune shall slay the wicked:
And those who hate the just shall be
23. The Lord redeemeth the life of his servants,
And none that take refuge in him shall be
In Psalm 33, the people are called upon to sing the praises of God (v2-4); the psalmist has been saved from great danger, hence he concludes that God’s goodness should always be trusted (v5-11); and those who reverence God and observe his precepts, enjoy happiness and a long life.(v12-23)
From 'Thoughts from St Alphonsus' - by Rev C McNeiry C.SS.R
'The ancient Fathers held a conference to determine which
was the exercise most useful and most necessary for eternal
salvation; and they determined that it was to repeat over and
over again the short prayer of David: Incline unto my aid, O
God.' (November 23rd)
'Our Lady, Cause of our Joy, protect and guide our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVIth'.