Sunday 7 September 2008

Thoughts from St Alphonsus

'Whitesmokeahoy' is humbly dedicated to the aims of 'Pro Papa Flagship', which site is strongly recommended. In this 'spiritual armada', it seems fitting to arm ourselves with appropriate 'holy' armour. 'Thoughts from St Alphonsus' is a collection of short writings by the Saint, whose work was particularly recommended to the faithful by Pope Pius IXth and Pope Benedict XVth, compiled by the Rev C McNeiry CSSR, and published by Burns, Oates & Washbourne in 1927. I hope to post two extracts from this book, on an occasional basis. In the book each extract is allocated to a particular day of the year, and most are quite short.

"If our confidence in God is great, great too will be our graces. St Bernard writes that the divine mercy is an inexhaustible fountain, and that he who brings to it the largest vessel of confidence, will take from it the largest measure of gifts." (16th February)

"If we are true servants of Mary, and obtain her protection, we most certainly shall be inscribed in the Book of Life." (30th May)

Our Blessed Lady, Star of the Sea - pray for us, and protect our Holy Father from all evil.


  1. Umblepie,

    Thank you for inaugurating this blog with a post concerning St. Alphonsus. It is by the example of the true Redemptorists of Papa Stronsay that my own passion for the writings of St. Alphonsus was ignited.

    I look forward to future posts on this great Saint, whose profound love for our Blessed Lord and His Holy Mother is unsurpassed.

    God bless!

  2. Thank you 'Confiteor' for your comments, and for all your hard work in setting up this 'Pro Papa' site. I have to apologise that I have inadvertently removed your comment on my most recent posting 'More thoughts ....'. I wished to replace the picture with a clearer image, and in the process had to re-write the posting and cancel the original. In the process your comment disappeared - very sorry about this! Please feel free to re-submit your comment on revised posting, if you wish. Pax tecum. 'Whitesmokeahoy' PS I am not particularly competent IT wise, and appear to be obliged to contact you under my 'umblepie' hat. The relevant comment is of course, in the 'whitesmokeahoy' blog.

  3. Umblepie, no worries about the deleted comment. Thank you for the kind words and your support of the Pro Papa League!
