Monday 15 September 2008

More thoughts from St Alphonsus

Dedicated to the 'PRO PAPA LEAGUE'.

Continuing with 'Thoughts from St. Alphonsus', it seems particularly appropriate to quote the thought
for today, 15th September, the Feast day of 'Our Lady's Sorrows'.

"Time, which usually mitigates the sorrows of the afflicted, did not relieve Mary;
nay, it even increased her sorrows; for as Jesus, on the one hand advanced in age,
and always appeared more and more beautiful and amiable; so also, on the other hand,
the time of his death always drew nearer, and grief always increased in the heart of Mary,
at the thought of having to lose him on earth."


Another special day, the Feast day of our Holy Guardian Angels, is celebrated on 2nd October,
and St Alphonsus clearly had great trust in the efficacy of these heavenly guardians.

"We ought to have great confidence in the assistance of our good angels. God's love for us
was not satisfied with giving us his Son Jesus for our Redeemer, and Mary for our advocate.
He has been pleased to give us also his angels to be our guardians, and has commanded them
to assist us during the course of our lives."

Our Lady, Queen of Peace, protect and guide our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVIth.
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1 comment:

  1. Umblepie,

    Thank you for the continuing series of thoughts from St. Alphonsus -- the latest of which has inspired me to update the Pro Papa League Flagship with a post on the Sorrows of Mary.

    God bless!
